Cuts by government creating more homelessness – Ellis

Sinn Fein spokesperson on Housing has criticised the government for talking out of both sides of their mouths, claiming to be seeking to end homelessness while implementing cuts which are making the problem much worse.

Deputy Ellis said;

“The last few weeks have seen a number of figures released by leading homelessness charities and organisations which are nothing short of alarming. These figures make clear that homelessness instead of being on the decrease, as you would expect when a government pledge to end the problem in just two and half years time, is actually spirally further out of control.

Record numbers are in need of homelessness services, emergency accommodation and hot meals. Record numbers are rough sleeping on our streets and 7 new people report as homeless every day.
This increase is a direct result of the policies of cuts to essential social services which are supposed to protect vulnerable people from finding themselves out of their home.

Housing has been cut year on year, homelessness services in Dublin is to be cut by 4.5 million and Rent Supplement which houses nearly 100,000 people in precarious financial situations has been cut.
Finding adequate, affordable housing has never been so difficult for people as housing need has soared to 112,000. Current homelessness figures are the tip of the iceberg if we do not change tack now and really invest in providing housing.

The cost of allowing homelessness to grow further is much greater than the cost of ending homelessness altogether. ”