Raising concerns in the Dáil on the impact the Metro North project will have on CLG Na Fianna, Home Farm football club and local schools and communities.

Today in the Dáil I told the Minister for Transport Deputy Ross that the proposal that the grounds and lands associated with Na Fianna GAA club and Home Farm football club on Mobhi Road, will be a staging post for the underground boring machinery and other works associated with this project is a totally unacceptable and a non-viable proposal. I have suggested to the minister today that the virgin lands north of Ballymun is a more reasonable proposal for the storing of this heavy boring equipment and where the works for the Metro North could be commenced from.

Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald also raised the issue with the Minister. See his response to our concerns and the concerns of the Clubs, residents and the local community.

Speaking in the Dáil on the lastest shocking homeless figures.

Today I raised in the Dáil the shocking figures just released showing further increases in the number of people being made homeless. The homeless figures show that this is a crisis that this government has allowed to get out of control. If this rate of increase continues over the coming months, Minister Murphy’s position will be untenable.