Budget is more than motorists can bear -Ellis

Budget is more than motorists can bear -Ellis

December 5, 2012

Deputy Ellis continued:

“Over the last few years the cost of staying on the road for many motorists has climbed considerably while public transport alternatives have also risen in cost and services have been cut.

“Many people are left with no alternative but to use private transport and they are being forced to pay more now for something they have no choice in.

“On average Motor Tax on private cars register from July 2008 will go up by 53 euro a year. Good vehicles needed for doing business, for employing people will be on average taxed 117 euro more a year.

“VRT is also set to go up by as much as 3% making it more difficult for people to upgrade their vehicles to more environmentally and economically friendly vehicles which would be liable for less Motor Tax.

“Ordinary people seeking to drive to work, small businesses seeking to transport their good, even school busses, tractors, hearse and construction vehicles are now less affordable and people are once again hit harder by this government for no other reason than their unwillingness to tackle those on high earnings.” ends